Cedar Rapids Coin Club
PO Box 2277
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2277
Incorporated in 2004

The Cedar Rapids Coin Club is a non-profit, educational organization founded in 1939 for the purpose of educating people of all ages in and around Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  We hold monthly meeting, during which various programs of an educational nature are held for the benefit of our membership and the general public. All meetings are open to the public and there is no charge for attendance unless a person wishes to become a member of the club. Adult annual dues are $5.00 per year, and junior membership (under 18) is $1.00 per year. The Cedar Rapids Coin Club is a member of the ANA, CSNS, and INA.

Club Meeting Location and Time:
Second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm
Meeting Location:
We are currently meeting at HyVee 3235 Oakland Rd. NE. The meeting room is next to the restrooms, no steps! 

Current Club Officers:
President: Scott Crawley e-mail: Scott.Crawley@mail.com
Vice President:  Eric Magayne e-mail: eric.magayne@gmail.com
Treasurer: Mick Parr e-mail: crcoinclubtreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary: Dean Parr  e-mail: drparr51@gmail.com
Director At Large: Loren Flater
Director At Large: Paul Marshall
Director At Large: Scott Cram
Director At Large: Jim Ford
Immediate Past President: Jack Bradley e-mail: Jack_L_Bradley@hotmail.com
ANA Representative:  Dean Parr e-mail: drparr51@gmail.com
Show/Bourse Chairman: Eric Magayne 319-310-4516  e-mail: eric.magayne@gmail.com

2025 Program Calendar:

Jan 9
Make bullion guesses for picnic in June, Discuss and show odd denominations
Feb 13
Prepare for coin show, show and tell
Mar 9 Cedar Rapids Coin Club Show
Mar 13
Show and tell, buy, sell, trade
Apr 10 TBD
May 8
Guess the grade
Jun 13
Jul 13
Indian Head Cents group discussion
Aug 8
Sep 12
Oct 10 Elections,  Show and tell
Nov 14
Early American Coppers
Dec 12
Holiday Party, mini bourse

Click here to see the Iowa Coin Show Calendar:

Medals Associated with the Cedar Rapids Coin Club:

1946 ANA Medal: On August 17th through the 21st 1946 the INA and ANA held a joint show in Davenport, Iowa in honor of the Iowa State Centennial.  The INA seal appears on the obverse. The designers were Marjorie Ankeny and William M. Baker.  Their initials appear at the lower left and right of the ear of corn.  The reverse was designed by Alphonse A. Kolb.  The medals were manufactured by J. Henri Ripstra, Chicago, IL.

1982 CSNS Medal: The CRCC hosted the Central States Numismatic Society's 43rd convention on April 29 through May 2nd 1982.  Obverse  Reverse

CRCC 50th Anniversary Medal:  In 1989 the Cedar Rapids Coin Club celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.  The obverse is the Cedar Rapids Club emblem adopted on October 12, 1947.  It was created by Member Charles Bartman then Vice President of the club.  Reverse

CRCC 75th Anniversary Encased Cent:  In 2014 the Cedar Rapids Coin Club celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary.  There were two reverse options photo

ANA: http://www.money.org
Central States Numismatic Society: https://www.centralstatesnumismaticsociety.org/
Iowa Numismatic Association: http://ina.anaclubs.org
Des Moines Coin Club: http://www.desmoines-coinclub.com

Click here to see the Cedar Rapids Coin Club Bylaws
Certificate of Incorporation

Click here to see the Cedar Rapids Coin Club History

Contact us at:
Cedar Rapids Coin Club

PO Box 2277
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2277

Contact me with any errors, broken links, or suggestions:
Email:  drparr51@gmail.com